Water filter system

Whole House Water Filter Systems

How is WA’s Water Different to the Eastern States of Australia?

What is a whole house water filtration system? Let’s explore how to improve WA Water Quality in your house.

Our water is distinctly different to Eastern States (Tasmania, New South Wales, Victoria & Queensland). WA aquifers are mostly limestone, the yearly rainfall average is significantly less than the East Coast and there is higher rust in our water. The resulting differences:

  1. Water is hard – high calcium/scale. Calcium and magnesium carbonate are the culprits here.
    What constitutes hard water? Classification of waters are:
    0 to 60 mg/L (milligrams per litre) as calcium carbonate is classified as soft;
    61 to 120 mg/L moderately hard; 121 to 180 mg/L hard; > 180 mg/L very hard.
  2. There is a much lower percentage of dam water in what is delivered to your home & higher proportion of a mix of ground, recycled and desalination water. Some areas have no dam water. Find out your water mix: insert your address here
  3. To ensure WHO standards for safe drinking water, there is more chlorine in the water than other states in Australia and indeed other countries. People from Eastern States complain bitterly about the unpleasant chlorine taste of our WA water.


Compromised Health for the Family

  1. Showering in chlorine has been shown to create sensitivity in many individuals we talk to, resulting
    in red, itchy eyes, or dry, itchy skin.
    In 2020, one father told us their 8-year-old daughter had been seen by medical doctors over a three-year period for painful, relentless skin eruptions. Treatment varied in success, and never a cure. Her emotions varied from crying with pain, to joy when she did get minimal relief. The parents installed a 3-stage whole house filtration system. Within a month, her skin had cleared up. It was 12 months after that her dad shared his story with us, beaming at how happy his little girl had become.
  2. Hard water mixed with chlorine leaves skin dry, itchy and becomes cracked. A toll on self-esteem and emotions.
  3. Cleaning costs to remove white stains/scale & calcium are high in attempting to have clean shower glass, shiny chrome taps and pure black kitchen décor. Time that could be used to enjoy family time!
  4. We hear about increased heart disease (hardening of the arteries), gall stones, kidney stones, spurs on heels/joints. One country town in WA is renowned for its high incidence of all these conditions. A local doctor implied to his patient it was due to the hard water.
  5. Lowered intake of required water for hydration and normal removal of toxins, can result in chronic dehydration, headaches, brain fog & chronic disease.

Compromised Health for the Home

  1. Thousands of dollars are put into the building / purchase of one’s new home. Without the correct whole house water filtration system, this cost is added to every single year in plumbing costs. The hard, high iron water prematurely ages the hot water system, the dishwasher, washing machine, taps, shower head, and glass shower screen.
  2. Family life is disrupted with no warning when the hot water system fails. The high plumbing bill for an afterhours service is totally unexpected, not to mention inconvenient. Imagine this happening every five years, instead of ten.
  3. The shower screen having a build-up of scale, leaving a white film, even though cleaned daily. One lady in Victoria Park, showed us the white powder that collected in her handbasin by the end of day’s usage. Her shower doorknob on the inside was pitted and dull: the outside knob gleaming, shiny and smooth chrome
  4. Embarrassment by the homeowners as toilet pans discolour, despite daily cleaning.
  5. Rust marks and/or scale marks on outdoor structures: glass windows, fencing, garden ornaments, black fencing/gates.
  6. Car washed in unfiltered water leaves white marks on the surface. This is not just a mark – it is very fine calcium carbonate powder, damaging the duco.
  7. This tap is one from our under-sink filter system. The home does NOT have a whole house water filtration system. The inside had completely corroded after 12 months in situ, leaking water into the cupboard.
  8. All household water appliances (hot water system, dishwasher, washing machine, coffee machine, tap fittings/washers) decrease in life expectancy by 50% due to hard, high iron water. Huge cost over 30 years!
    Prior to installing a whole house water filter, our kitchen tap was being replaced three times a year. It would corrode and eventually leak. Since installing a whole house water filter system, that tap has never been replaced. That was 20 years ago.
    Thousands of dollars are put into the building / purchase of one’s new home. Why not protect that investment with a 3 Stage Whole House Water Filtration System?
  9. High iron in the ground water, when brought to the surface and mixes with air, results in staining fences & brick walls.

Compromised Health for the Environment

  1. Families who purchase bottled water contribute to plastic landfill…eventually.
  2. It is estimated it takes 450 years for plastic water bottles to break down in the ocean.
  3. Oceanic environmentalists have shown that macro plastic ending up in the ocean directly affects marine wildlife: seabirds, whales, fish, & turtles mistake the plastic for food.
  4. Other plastics decompose more rapidly and are found in sea food, deemed safe for human consumption. Recent studies have shown that there is now 60 times more microplastic in the ocean than there was just 15 years ago. This presents a significant threat to human health as microplastics have been linked with cancer, reduced fertility, psychological illnesses, and birth defects.
  5. Toxic contaminants also accumulate on the surface of plastic due to prolonged exposure to seawater. When marine organisms ingest plastic debris, these contaminants enter their digestive systems, and over time accumulate in the food web. The transfer of contaminants between marine species and humans through consumption of seafood has been identified as a health hazard. Research is ongoing and can be found here.
  6. Did you know, the average adult, who drinks 2 litres bottled water daily, spends approximately $770 per year? For a family of four, that is a conservative $3080/year.
    A whole house water filtration system can be purchased for less than that

Turtle Stomach: The Ocean Clean-up Foundation

Water Filtration Process

Differences Between 2 & 3 Stage System

2 Stage Whole House Water Filtration System

Recommended Uses: Rainwater, soft bore water, soft scheme water (i.e.: no calcium/scale)

There are two cartridges in our 2 Stage system:

  1. The first is always sediment, to collect dust, rust, large particles & dirt. It can vary between 20 (pleated) micron and 5 or 10 microns (poly spun). The pleated is washable and used for areas with muddy water, such as dam, creek. The poly spun is used for bore, scheme, and rainwater, removing particles over 5-10 microns.
  2. The second can be carbon (1-5 microns) – removes chlorine 99.9%. The primary function of carbon filters is to remove chlorine from water, along with its chemical taste and smell. In addition, carbon filters can offer you the confidence that you are not consuming harmful substances from your tap water. Chemicals like insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, THMs, and VOCs are also significantly reduced.
  3. The second can also be bacteriostatic carbon silver – when bacteria, algae or fungi encounter the silver, the silver ions puncture the cell membrane and wreak havoc by binding to and denaturing the organisms’ DNA. Removes 99.9% chlorine, and reduces/removes chloramines, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, THMs, VOCs, cysts (cryptosporidium, giardia), asbestos. Commonly used with rainwater tanks and soft bore water, can also be used with soft scheme water for added protection.

3 Stage Whole House Water Filtration System

Recommended Uses: All hard water: most towns in WA with scheme water; hard bore water
There are three cartridges in our 3-stage whole house system:

  1. Sediment 5 -10 micron. Removes dirt, dust, rust, large particles. Primary role is to protect the second two cartridges and maintain their life expectancy of 12 months. Our experience has shown that to achieve this, the sediment needs to be replaced every three – four months in most WA towns and Perth suburbs. Failure to do this results in extra cost by reducing the life of the second two.
  2. Resin cartridge. Softens your water. This works on an ionic exchange technology, preventing the calcium from entering your house taps, shower, water appliances and plumbing. No more scale! For more information go here
  3. KDF/Heavy Metal 1 micron. Conditions your water, removes 99.9% chlorine, reduces or removes, chloramines, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, THMs, VOCs, cysts (cryptosporidium, giardia), asbestos. Water tastes great, no odour and can be enjoyed from every tap in the house. For more information visit

Ultraviolet light – requires power

An extra for bacteria protection, particularly with rain, dam and bore water.
It is a purification system. The ultraviolet light damages the DNA of 99.9% of bacteria, viruses, and other living microorganisms, such as parasites, fungi and algae. This renders them unable to reproduce, giving you peace of mind with your non-chlorinated water.

Why a 3 Stage 10” x 4.5” Whole House Water Filtration System in Perth & WA towns?

  1. It will serve up to nine (9) people without dropping pressure.
  2. It is compact and aesthetic to all houses.
  3. It is time tested over 10 years to remove scale/calcium effectively, thus softening your water.
  4. Being the most popular system, maintenance is more cost effective. 20” cartridges do not last twice as long as 10” cartridges but are more than twice the price.

Benefits of Whole House Water Filter System:

Family Health:

  1. Increased hydration by drinking better tasting water leading to many health benefits.
  2. Better skin protection, especially for babies.
  3. Enjoy luxurious lathering of soap & shampoo in shower.
  4. Less time taken in cleaning the tapware, shower, and ablutions.
  5. Not breathing in vapourised chlorine in the hot shower every day.
  6. Enjoyable tea & coffee taste.
  7. Option to use filtered water in cooking.
  8. Reduced risk of calcium build-up in the body and subsequent chronic diseases: cardiovascular, kidney, gall bladder, joints/spurs.
  9. Reduced toxin load in the body from unseen, tasteless contaminants, that can affect one’s health
    over a lifetime.

Home Health:

  1. Extended life of hot water system, dishwasher, washing machine, coffee machine by up to 50%.
  2. Decreased time in replacing washers, tap fittings and hot water system anodes
  3. Improved aesthetics where no more calcium, rust and general stains on glass fittings, walls, and black décor.
  4. Improved quality of plant life in the garden where reticulation included.
  5. Many dollars saved not having to replace tap fittings, electric kettle, coffee machine etc …every year!
  6. No need to use conditioner in the washing machine anymore!

Environmental Health:

  1. Knowing you are contributing to the reduction of plastic in landfill and the oceans.
  2. Increased awareness in overall use of plastic

Whole House Water Filtration Set Up Tips

  1. Planning to build a new house? Consult your builder BEFORE signing off on your plan, to indicate where you want your system installed. This will save you plumbing costs and you can install where you want it.
  2. Including your reticulation is personal choice. Ask for a bypass tap to be included to give you flexibility.
  3. The system is installed in the main line between the water meter and where the first water pipe entry is into the house. Install before the water heater, so that the heater is protected from calcium/scale and hot water is not going through the filter system.
  4. Make sure your water pressure is not too high – if above, 620kpa you need to consult the Water Authority.
  5. Our 3 Stage system is protected by a UV treated casing. However, in our harsh WA sun, it is recommended to provide shade.
  6. Ensure the plumber uses poly fittings, not brass fittings, to prevent the head cracking.
  7. Remove each cartridge covering before turning the water back on.
  8. Loose carbon fibres will be in the water when you turn your tap on after installation. Run a tap until the water clears. The carbon discolours the water but is harmless.
  9. There may be turbidity in your water for a few days as the air dissipates via minute air bubbles.