A Person Holding Hair with Soap

Five Water Softener Benefits: A Key Component of Whole House Water Filtration Systems

Incorporating a water softener into your whole house water filtration system can offer numerous benefits, from improving personal health to saving time, money and even the environment. Let’s explore five key advantages of using a water softener in your home:

1. Healthier Body

Skin Health

One of the most noticeable benefits of using a water softener is improved skin health. Hard water, which contains high levels of calcium and magnesium, can strip the skin of its natural oils, leaving it dry, irritated and prone to conditions like eczema. The combination of soap and hard water can leave a residue on the skin, which can clog pores and exacerbate acne flare-ups. Soft water, by contrast, is gentler on the skin, helping it retain moisture and stay supple. People often find their showering experience much more enjoyable after switching to soft water because of the noticeable difference in how their skin feels.

Hair Health

Soft water also improves hair health. Hard water can leave a layer of mineral buildup on your hair and scalp, which may lead to dryness, brittleness and an itchy scalp. This can contribute to conditions like dandruff and cause hair to appear dull and lifeless. By removing the minerals that cause this buildup, soft water can help your hair regain its natural shine and volume. You may also notice that you need less conditioner, as soft water leaves your hair feeling luxurious and more manageable.


Many people who live in areas with hard water find it unpleasant to drink due to its gritty texture and sometimes metallic taste. As a result, they often avoid drinking enough water to meet their daily hydration needs. Soft water, on the other hand, is more palatable, encouraging higher water consumption. Soft water makes it easier for you to reach the recommended intake of 1500-2000 ml per day. Imagine how convenient it is to have refreshing, great-tasting water right from your tap!

Reduced Risk of Kidney Stones

For individuals prone to kidney stones, hard water’s high mineral content may contribute to the problem. Soft water, which removes excess calcium and magnesium, may help reduce the risk of kidney stones by allowing you to hydrate without the worry of overloading your system with minerals that could contribute to stone formation.

Sensitive Eyes

Hard water can be irritating to the eyes, especially for those with sensitive or dry eyes, a common issue among the elderly. Soft water is gentler on the eyes, providing a more comfortable experience for daily washing and showering.

Reduced Stress

Hard water not only creates extra cleaning tasks around the home but can also add unexpected expenses to your household budget. From clogged pipes to inefficient appliances, hard water’s impact on your home’s infrastructure can be a constant source of stress. Switching to soft water alleviates these headaches, leading to a smoother, more pleasant home life.

True Story

Seven-year-old Rebecca had been suffering from skin rashes for three years. Despite numerous medications, her condition didn’t improve. She was constantly irritable and unhappy. After her parents installed a whole house water filtration system, including a water softener, Rebecca’s life transformed. Within a month, her skin rashes were gone, and she became a playful, happy little girl once again. Her family, teachers and even the community noticed the difference.

2. Healthier Home

Prevents Scale Buildup

Hard water leads to the formation of mineral buildup, or scale, inside pipes and appliances. Over time, this buildup can clog pipes, reduce water flow and increase the risk of leaks, corrosion and expensive repairs. A water softener removes these minerals, protecting your plumbing system and extending the life of your home’s infrastructure.

Increased Appliance Efficiency

Appliances such as dishwashers, washing machines and kettles all perform better when they’re not fighting against the effects of hard water. Limescale buildup on heating elements can force these appliances to work harder, consuming more energy. With soft water, the strain on these devices is reduced, prolonging their lifespan by up to 50% and lowering your energy bills in the process.

Prevents Surface Damage

Hard water can cause visible damage to the sink, faucets, bathtubs, shower glass and tiles through the buildup of limescale and soap scum, requiring constant scrubbing and maintenance. Soft water prevents this damage, keeping your surfaces gleaming and smooth, looking just like new.

Improved Water Heater Efficiency

Water heaters become less efficient when they’re dealing with hard water due to mineral deposits on heating elements. A water softener improves the reliability of delivering hot water.

Cleaner Air

Minerals from hard water can break down and be released into the air from sources like humidifiers, pipes and the shower. Soft water prevents this, keeping your home’s air cleaner and healthier to breathe.

True Story

Our kitchen tap used to last only six months before needing replacement. After installing a water softener, that same tap has lasted over 20 years! Our water heater, which typically lasts five to ten years in Perth, operated smoothly for 20 years before needing an electronic repair -not because of scale buildup.

3. Dollar Savings

Reduced Energy Costs

As previously mentioned, hard water mineral build-up reduces the efficiency of appliances like dishwashers and washing machines, making them work harder and use more energy. Water heaters require up to 25% more gas or electricity to heat water effectively. Preventing this buildup with soft water, your appliances will run more efficiently, directly reducing your energy bills.

Lower Soap and Detergent Use

Soft water requires significantly less soap, shampoo, conditioner, and detergent to achieve the same cleaning power as hard water. This means you’ll spend up to 50% less on cleaning products. In addition, soft water is gentler on fabrics, extending the life of your clothing and reducing the need for fabric softeners.

Prolonged Appliance Lifespan

Commonly in Perth, a water heater with hard water will last less than 10 years and can’t be repaired. By reducing mineral buildup, a water softener extends its lifespan and reduces the need for being replaced prematurely. Over the years, this can save homeowners hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars on all appliances.

No More Bottled Water

A family of four can save around $3,000 per year by eliminating the need to purchase bottled water. Softened water tastes better, particularly when paired with a filtration system that includes a carbon cartridge to remove chlorine.

Time is Money

If you’re paying a cleaner to scrub soap scum and scale off shower glass every week, switching to a water softener will drastically reduce that time – and your cleaning bill.

4. Less Time and Effort Spent Cleaning

Eliminates Mineral Buildup

Hard water leaves stubborn mineral deposits on surfaces like sinks, bathtubs, shower screens and faucets. These deposits require repeated scrubbing and harsh cleaning products to remove. Soft water prevents limescale from forming, making cleaning faster and easier.

Goodbye Soap Scum

Hard water reacts with soap to create soap scum – a filmy residue that clings to bathroom tiles, glass doors and shower curtains. Soft water eliminates the minerals responsible for this residue, leaving surfaces cleaner and reducing the need for constant scrubbing.

Cleaner Laundry

In homes with hard water, laundry detergent doesn’t lather as well, leaving clothes dull and requiring extra rinsing or detergent. Soft water improves the cleaning power of detergents, resulting in cleaner, brighter clothing with less detergent and shorter wash cycles.

Spotless Dishes

Hard water leaves spots and streaks on dishes and glassware, even after running them through the dishwasher. Soft water prevents these spots, leaving dishes spotless and saving you from having to wash glassware by hand.

5. Environmental Benefits

Reduced Energy Consumption

Soft water helps appliances operate more efficiently, which in turn reduces your household’s energy consumption. This means fewer greenhouse gas emissions from power plants and a smaller carbon footprint.

Decreased Use of Toxic Cleaning Products

Hard water requires more abrasive cleaning products to achieve the same level of cleanliness. When using soft water, these can be replaced with chemical friendly products. This reduces the amount of chemicals that flow down your drains and into local water supplies, minimising your environmental impact.

Longer Appliance Lifespan

Since soft water prevents scale buildup, your appliances will last longer, reducing the need for frequent replacements. Fewer appliances in landfills means fewer resources are used in manufacturing, packaging and shipping new ones.

Water Conservation

Soft water allows for more efficient cleaning, reducing the need for multiple rinses in dishwashers, laundry, and personal care. This results in less overall water usage, conserving a vital natural resource and reducing strain on water treatment facilities.

By incorporating a water softener into your home’s water filtration system, you’ll enjoy numerous health benefits, save time and money. Reach out to the experts at WestOz Water Filters today to learn more about how a water softener could work for you and your home.