Person filling up drink bottle from tap

Unlocking the Health Benefits of 7-Stage Reverse Osmosis Water: A Personal Journey

Have you ever wondered how the water you consume impacts your body? This isn’t just a rhetorical question. My life has genuinely transformed after switching to a 7-stage Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System.

Over nearly a year of consistent use, my health has shown incredible improvements. In this article, I’ll walk you through my journey, shedding light on the game-changing effects and benefits of Reverse Osmosis water.

The History of My Water Consumption Habits

Growing up, I was raised on rainwater, and filtering tap water didn’t come into the picture until the 1990s. Fast forward to the early 2000s, we installed a Whole House water filter as the declining water quality in Perth began to affect our household appliances.

Why I Switched to a 7-Stage Reverse Osmosis System

In 2020, we made another pivotal switch—from a twin under-sink filter to a 7-stage Reverse Osmosis system. The transformation this drinking water change has brought about in my body is nothing short of remarkable.

Before & After: The Real Impact on My Body

Skin Condition Before and After

Gone are the days of dry, flaky skin. Previously, my skin condition demanded daily moisturising; now, it maintains its natural hydration without external aids.

Body’s Reaction to Temperature Extremes

Before, my body struggled to adapt to extreme weather conditions. These days, whether it’s scorching heat or freezing cold, I find myself adjusting quickly to the conditions.

Mental Clarity and Focus

Projects now run more smoothly, and my memory recall is at its peak. This newfound mental clarity has also elevated my self-confidence.

Thirst Mechanism Activation

Believe it or not, I no longer have to remind myself to drink water. My body naturally prompts me to hydrate, indicating that my thirst mechanism has kicked in optimally.

Joint Health and Flexibility

Physical activities like lawn bowls used to leave me sore and exhausted. I can complete a game in 35-degree heat and feel energised the next day.

The Science Behind the Benefits

While my journey is personal, a growing body of research supports the health benefits of Reverse Osmosis water filters. It’s worth investigating how this scientifically proven system could benefit you.

Addressing Common Myths About Reverse Osmosis Water

Plenty of myths surround Reverse Osmosis water, from being ‘too pure’ to lacking essential, beneficial minerals. However, most of these misconceptions are easily debunked with some research.

Myth vs Fact: Debunking Common Misconceptions

Myth #1: Drinking Water Low in Total Dissolved Solids (TDs) Harms Your Health.

Fact: The human body naturally regulates healthy minerals through homeostasis. Healthy drinking water with low or high mineral content doesn’t disrupt this balance for healthy individuals.

  • Homeostasis
    • Homeostasis is the body’s ability to maintain a stable internal environment, regulating temperature, pH and ion concentration.
  • Mineral Homeostasis
    • Is the balanced regulation of dissolved substances and essential minerals like calcium, magnesium and sodium in the blood and body cells.
    • Importance: Minerals comprise around 4% of the human body and are crucial for various functions such as nutrient transfer, neuron communication and muscle function.
    • Key Organs: Skeleton, intestines, kidneys and the parathyroid gland are vital in maintaining calcium levels, for example.
  • Mineral Intake from Water
    • Drinking 2 litres of clean water daily would provide less than 1% of the recommended intake for most minerals. For instance, 10% for copper, 6% for calcium, 5% for magnesium and 3% for sodium.
  • Risks of Disrupted Mineral Homeostasis
    • Failure in homeostasis can result in conditions like hypocalcaemia, leading to muscle spasms, seizures and even cardiac arrest. Advances in recombinant DNA technology offer replacement hormones to restore balance.

Myth #2: Our Bodies Need The Minerals In Water For Good Health.

Fact: Most minerals required for body homeostasis come from food, not water.

  • Mineral Intake from Water
  1. Daily Intake: Drinking 2 litres of water daily would barely cover 1% of your daily mineral requirements. To rely solely on water for minerals, you’d need to drink a bathtub full—a health practitioner wouldn’t recommend that.
  2. Healthy Adults: Food is the primary source of essential minerals in a relatively healthy person.
  3. Ionic vs Inorganic: Only the body readily absorbs ionic minerals like calcium and magnesium. Inorganic forms like calcium carbonate can cause kidney stones and arterial hardening.
  4. Role of Water: Water’s main function is as a solvent and transport medium, not a mineral source.
  • Low TDS Water
  1. No Ill-Effects: Multiple studies and real-world examples, like the water consumed in Vancouver, prove that low TDS water isn’t harmful.
  2. TDS Palatability: Water with TDS less than 600 mg/L is generally considered to have a good, pure taste.

Customising Your Water Intake: What Could Your Body’s Changes Be?

Of course, it’s crucial to remember that individual experiences can differ. When you switch to reverse osmosis water, your body adapts and changes according to its unique needs.

My personal journey from tap water to high quality 7-stage Reverse Osmosis water has been transformative. The health benefits I’ve experienced are too significant to ignore.

Make the Switch: Elevate Your Health Today!

If you’re seeking a sustainable, effective solution for long-term health benefits, a 7-stage Reverse Osmosis system could be a wise investment. Don’t just take my word for it—make the switch and discover the benefits for yourself.

By choosing a 7-stage Reverse Osmosis system, you’re not just investing in purified water—you’re investing in your long-term health. Make an informed decision today and contact the experts at WestOz Water Filters.